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starting port


Those crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do.” Steve Jobs



The Starting Port is first of all a reaction to a corporate world where numbers are first and people are last.


Our answer: to build a WORKING ECOSYSTEM FOR ENTREPRENEURS where a group of interconnected buildings are designed towards creating the perfect work-life balance based on 2 pillars:

motivation and health - that's where the drive comes from and the solution to the execution problem.


This will be the World's First Business Incubator where the main focus is on all the people involved: the workers, the startup'ers and the investors.



We believe that

FOCUSING ON PEOPLE IS BY FAR THE BEST WAY to promote productivity and profits.





These are the idiots, the game changers and visionaries who will change the world and enjoy the ride while making the most out of all the working (and living) conditions provided at the Starting Port. If IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EXECUTION then we choose to focus on the executioners.


ALSO OUR CLIENTS but most of all partners who belive that the right conditions, education and support are what transforms an idea into a project and into a successful and profitable company. At the Starting Port we turn 100:1 'betting' ratios into logical, measurable and continuously supported investments.


THESE ARE OUR HELPERS the well motivated happy people that will probably enjoy the ride the most. They will be teachers, menthors, coaches, students... and partners on both the working and the benefittting part of it...

They will learn that life and work can mingle and be one and the same - but in a good way.


Motivation is everything... and so is discipline. We know human beings struggle with maintaining focus. Therefore, we have studied and researched how and why people fail. And it's mostly about discipline.

We therefore developed a program that aims for the continuous growth for both the mind and the body. Focusing on each person's well being is the best investment we can think of for steadily increasing happiness, commitment and profits.

A group of interconnected buildings is surrounded by a garden designed for meetings, exhibits, presentations and constant mingling.


Inside, we'll have the perfect business support: reception, meeting rooms, legal and accounting services and a direct link to investors and a resident team that links it all together... everything is available so clients can focus on getting their work done, allowing each person to focus on what they're good at.


We provide every single thing you need during the day. Starting with a presentation theatre, a restaurant and a coffee shop, a space for reading, a workout port... we thought about everything.


No more need to worry about picking up the kids, or what they are learning nowadays. We'll also teach them all the things they should learn in school... We even considered the day to day errands: groceries? picking up the laundry? Consider it done.


Check out the details for the 18 spaces below:

"If you start off with a happy, well-motivated workforce, you're much more likely to have happy costumers.

 And in due course, the resulting profits will make the shareholders happy."


Richard Branson

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