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Dear Entrepreneurs,

We've been there too.

We struggled with stupid jobs and asshole bosses. We worked at companies that focused on numbers instead of people. We did stupid tasks and replied to Urgent emails just because they were coming from 'above'. We were bossed around by dumbasses and thrashed down by arrogant sons of bitches... And we got tired of it. Really sick of it.


Then we tried to build our own things. We started and closed companies. We struggled to understand the best ways to build, sell, advertise... and we found out that everything we learned from our parents, from our messed up school system and universities, was just not designed for the real world.


So we had to find out for ourselves what was really recquired. We spoke to a hundred businessmen, read a thousand books and a million articles, and we found out it's about 2 things:

- what makes you wake up in the morning

- and having the right support


But we couldn't find the support. The information is out there, the people are out there, but why is it so damn hard to find and get it? To know who and what to trust. Who is really trying to help you and who is just trying to make something out of your hard work... There just wasn't such a place or entity that you could just get there and present your idea and your goals and get genuine answers from people that want to help you.

Why the fuck isn't there a place like that?


We wanted it. We needed it. So we just built it.


Because we care.

We are not trying to make fast money or exploit anyone.

Our main focus is on people. We believe that the best way to make money is by allowing people to work on what they love and helping them with all the other stuff they need but don't like.


We believe that providing the best possible working environment and betting on each person's professional and personal matters is the best (maybe the only) way to build great products and even greater companies. Value can only be delivered by people who give a fuck about what they are doing.


So, as long as you have an idea that solves a problem, improves a solution and/or creates a new need - and you can prove us you're commited to it - you're in.


As an entrepreneur, you'll get everything.

On top of really cool offices, we'll provide all the tools so you can focus on your thing. Productivity is key so we want you to be at your best at all times. How?

1st - we will make sure you are healthy. By providing a functional gym, a free library, a cafe where you can meet other people, relax, read or get work done, and a restaurant that doesn't throw a cheeseburger at you but rather a nutritional yet delicious meal focusing on what you are going to do next. These will allow your body to be in tune with your mind and the work will flow. We will also have a market where you can buy your basic needs items along with healthy food so you don't need to worry about going to the supermarket after work and you can maintain that awesome diet at home.

2nd - there is a resident team of people whose sole purpose is to guarantee you get to where you're supposed to get. The Business SupPort Team will always be there from the start as the approving team for you and your idea and all along the way to help you with presentations, talking to investors, accounting and legal services, establishing partnerships and pretty much every business related issue. These are the guys you will have to talk to in the beginning. You will have to show them your idea and convince them why you are The (Wo)Man who's going to do it.



Hell no!

We also have free education for you.

From the moment you start you will have classes - not normal ones, but something that focus on what you need to get done in any company - that will give you practical tips for growth not only on a professional level but also on a personal level. Here are a few examples of our 'how to courses':

- managing your email box

- making the most of your time

- meditating

- getting proper sleep

- presenting a project

- giving feedback

- how and what to eat

- establishing partnerships

- selling

- digital marketing

amongst others...


These will be constantly updated so you and your team are always on top of your game and continuously growing.

You'll also get a coach to make sure you are always motivated and meeting yours and your company's goals.


All we ask from you is the usual rent you would pay at any other office space plus a share (a negotiable 5-10%) of your company. Financially speaking, we want to make sure it is also in our best interest. Fair enough?


But this goes both ways - as we want everyone to be, and feel, a part of the Starting Port - every startup and employee will have equity on the company. This means we'll be sharing our profits with you at the end of the year too. If you thrive, we thrive. If we do well, everyone does well.


Yeah... there's more:

There will be a presentation room where you have to show your project to everyone else: other startups, investors and to the people working at the Starting Port - you never know who has an idea or tool that can help you. You will be invited to all other events and you can also use it for running your own presentations.

You will also use The Show Port to share your conquests and your fuck ups. Yes - everything is shareable!


If you have kids, we will have a place for them where you can leave them after school so they can learn all the things they should learn in school but don't - from working with computers to coding, learning a different language, even entrepreneurship.


We'll even have a group of people just to take care of your laundry and other erronds... Remember, you want to be focusing on your work, not on what to cook for dinner...


There's only one downside... You'll never want to leave.

Well, we got you covered on that too. You can actually rent one of our Living Port studios or just have a few guests over for a weekend...



We're building it.

For now please leave us a note below with all your enquiries and ideas. We'll get back to you ASAP and we'll stay in touch with all the news. As soon as we're fully ready we'll let you know.


By the way, we know this a long thing to read but it was worth it, wasn't it?



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