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An Entrepreneur's Port

Why do people spend 8 hours a day - if not more - working on something that doesn't matter to them? Why do people conciously choose to be stuck in a job for a 3rd of their whole lives?

I get it. I have a family too so I do understand the importance of bringing home a monthly steady paycheck. It is good to be able to live without worrying (too much) about the bills. One third of your lifetime just feels like an abnormally high price to pay for it...

Starting Port for Entrepreneurs

As a former employee on several different businesses, I struggled to figure out why everyone around me was always unhappy at their jobs, including myself. I've heard of some people who claim to be lucky enough to work in areas they love but even those aren't completely fulfilled. And it usually comes down to management. Some people do work on what they love but they aren't really doing what they believe they should because someone 'above them' doesn't allow it.

I was one of those once. It used to drive me absolutely nuts when the next task was another waste of everyone's time. At some point, those 'above' orders started hitting an inner wall and it became unbearable. Joining the rest of the working force and getting into complain mode seemed like the only choice. Which I did, in a louder than usual way yes, but still nothing beyond complaining... or quitting.

After changing jobs every other year I had to make a move. Instead of becoming another Sunday evening complainer, I decided to focus my attention on why people decide to leave the security of a 9 to 5 job to start something from scratch? What drives these so called entrepreneurs? It can't be the love for the risk alone, can it?

I started studying human behaviour, great companies and great leaders so I could identify what makes those people and places so... great. And it's all about the people. It's all about focusing on how people feel - AKA motivation.

As Richard Branson says: "If you look after your staff, they will look after your clients."

I was focusing on why is it so hard when, ever since I got out of University, I should've been thinking about how to make it easy. How do you turn the working environment into a place where people want to go to every morning?

The answer was now simple: build around people's needs and desires.

All I had to do was to point out what was wrong about every workplace I have 'tried' and do just about the opposite.

The bigger problem wasn't about the daily working tasks - it was about each individual's challenges. I knew I had to take into consideration not just the work but life altogether. Simple things like picking up the kids from school or what to cook for dinner are things on mostly everyone's mind during the day. I had to work out a place that would also solve these 'minor' things. By adding the human factor and turning the attention from numbers to people, the other 50% of the usual working environment issues were sorted.

There was only one minor issue. I didn't want to create a product. What I found was a problem about people. I didn't find a sudden need in the market that could be fixed with a product. What I did identify was a dilemma. A risk vs reward issue.

This new company's mission had to be focused on making sure everyone is commited to doing the best possible job - simply because it is better for business overall.

That is how the Starting Port was born. A port where all true entrepreneurs feel welcome and supported.

I am only getting started. Now that the plan is fully designed (as you can see on the website) the next step is to find the best location and the investors who share the same line of thought.

It's going to be quite a journey... I'll be keeping you posted.



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