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Christmas present: Og Mandino's "A better way to live".

Maybe it's the Christmas season, maybe it's just something we should do everyday... I am not a fan of self-help books in general but once in a while one of these actually clears some thoughts that have been rushing through my mind. Og Mandino's "A better way to live" is one of those.

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Here's my summary of the 17 rules we should all live by Og Mandino:

1. Value what you have

2. Always give more than expected

3. Failure is part of learning. Never quit

4. Rewards with your family

5. Smile and let your vision guide you

6. Always make your actions be an example and don't be arrogant

7. Every day is a gift: you are better off than a lot of people

8. Don't ever be too busy to live - at work or while having fun

9. Forget the past losses, forget the future problems - do your best today!

10. Treat everyone as if it was their last day on Earth

11. Laugh at yourself and your problems

12. Never neglect the small things

13. Make and enjoy the 1st hour of each day. Can't? Check the obituary

14. Have a daily doable goal/task (that will lead to overall goals) but will allow time to live and enjoy life

15. Don't allow anyone or anything to ruin your day

16. Always see the seed of good in the adversity

17. Happiness is giving. It's inside you

Merry Christmas!


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