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Do this next year... and every year.

This will be my last article of 2016 so I wanted to give you something special.

I'm a big fan of Richard Branson as I believe we share the same outlook on how to do business and how to treat people. From his quotes to his interviews and down to his books, his pieces of advice are just spot on. You really should look it up and read one of his books. My personal favourite? "Losing my Virginity"

So, following up on the last articles and saving you some precious time again, here are the 9 main things I was able to summarize from it:

1. Do it

2. Have fun

3. Be bold - take (smart) risks

4. Challenge yourself

5. Think for yourself

6. Live the moment - when at something be there at 100%

7. Value family and friends

8. Respect everyone - don't cheat

9. Do some good

If you focus on these, you just can't go wrong.

Happy New Year!


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